Legal Affairs Update

Picture of Supreme Court of Canada sign and building
Picture of Mountain View

June 2024 Legal Affairs Update

Your Contributions Matter, Thank You!

Our Legal Department has been active over the past few months, diligently working to secure favourable outcomes and foster a regulatory environment that supports our members and the wider Christian charitable sector.

Key initiatives have included proposing enhancements to the Canada Summer Jobs program, consulting with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), and publishing articles that champion the well-being of Christian charitable organizations.

Considering these crucial efforts, we ask you to consider a special contribution to help CCCC’s Legal Affairs Team continue essential work on your behalf. Your donation represents a commitment to the ongoing health and vitality of ministries that play a foundational role in our society. We invite you to contribute to the Legal Defence Fund, reinforcing our ongoing mission to advocate for fairness, religious freedom, and the rights of Christian charities to positively impact and enrich our communities.

We invite you to read our most recent Legal Affairs update to learn more about our work. 

What We’ve Been Doing

Enhancements to the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) Program

In Fall 2023, CCCC filed a written brief with the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) as part of its CSJ study. CCCC is pleased to see that many of our concerns and recommendations were quoted in HUMA’s recent CSJ report. This underscores our resolve to strengthen funding transparency, advocate for multi-year project grants, and enhance employment flexibility within faith-based organizations. 

CCCC also expressed deep concern about how the attestation has been applied to many faith-based organizations in ways that raise Charter concerns. The main report cites some of our recommendations to improve transparency, and the dissenting report urges CSJ officials to specifically consider feedback from faith-based organizations, which serve “such an important role” in delivering the CSJ program. The dissent also highlights “serious concerns around religious freedom and fairness,” referencing our concern that faith-based organizations are often subject to additional scrutiny.

Contributing to CRA’s Religious Literacy Training

In response to a report from the Federal Office of the Taxpayers’ Ombudsperson, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has started to implement religious literacy training for its staff. CCCC collected and shared member insights with CRA to enhance the Directorate’s understanding of Christian religious charities, paving the way for more informed and empathetic religious literacy. CCCC feedback was well received and has created more opportunities for CCCC to contribute to CRA’s religious literacy programs.

Writing Strategic Articles on Key Issues

My article, Why we need the CRA to publish advancement of religion guidance, published in the Philanthropist, explains why the advancement of religion guidance needs to be released. Over many years CCCC has consistently and respectfully inquired about the status of the religion guidance in our government interactions. Pointing to a recent Ontario court decision, the article explains the tangible impact that results from this guidance gap. The guidance could also have symbolic importance, affirming a positive message about faith and recognizing the significant and valuable contributions of religious charities to communities across our nation.

My guest post, Life-Affirming Care a Necessary Check on MAID Expansion, published on Disability and Faith Forum, reflects on a recent course case involving an Alberta father and his autistic daughter, emphasizing the need for life-affirming care, and how the intersection of freedom of conscience and freedom of association should serve as protection for life-affirming organizations.

Participating in Government Consultations

We are pleased to share that CCCC has been invited back to participate in Canada Revenue Agency’s Technical Issues Working Group (TIWG), for the next two-year term. The TIWG meets to discuss forthcoming guidance and existing documents, challenges, and successes with CRA programs and platforms, and to raise emerging or long-standing issues that need attention. Our first meeting for this term of appointment takes place this month, June 2024. This involvement is not only a testament to the credibility and influence of the CCCC, but it also positions us to directly impact the policies and guidelines that shape the operational landscape for Christian charities. By having a seat at the table, we ensure that your interests and the interests of  charities across Canada are voiced and considered in the crafting of policies that directly affect the mission and effectiveness of our work.

Promoting Religious Freedom 

CCCC and the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada wrote a joint letter to the Canadian Human Rights Commission about its discussion paper on religious intolerance. The letter urged the Commission to treat all religions fairly and to create a positive vision of religious tolerance. The solution to religious intolerance is not to remove religion from public life but to allow those with whom we disagree to hold and express those beliefs. The letter highlighted the fundamental human right of all Canadians to practice their religion freely and openly. 

A Renewed Appeal for Your Support

Thank you for taking the time to read this update. As we look to the future, your continued support through membership and donations is crucial for sustaining and expanding our advocacy efforts. To extend your support for the Legal Defence Fund, we encourage you to visit the Legal Defence Fund. Stay engaged with our progress and endeavours by subscribing to the CCCC Blog

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Previous Updates

Legal Affairs Update - November 2023

Legal Affairs Update - June 2023

Legal Affairs Update - November 2022

Legal Affairs Update - June 2022

Legal Affairs Update - November 2021

Legal Affairs Update - June 2021

Legal Affairs Update - October 2020

Legal Affairs Update - June 2020