Stewardship Handbook, Volume 2, Table of Contents

C H A P T E R 115

Cultivating a Culture of Generosity15

Learning Objectives15


A Different Measure of Generosity19

Being Generous Is Not Optional 20

A Culture of Generosity23

Are North Americans Generous?27

Cultvating a Giver30

A Good Project 32

An Appealing Proposal 33

A Painless Request 38

Cultivating Generous Givers38

Organizational Worthiness41

Fundraiser Readiness43

Donor Development 43

Cultivating a Generous Christian Giver47

Christian Mission47

Discernment 48

Discussion Questions50

Discussion Questions51

Application Exercises51

Additional Recommended Reading.51

References Used in Writing this Chapter52



C H A P T E R 257

Legal Statutory Provisions Affecting Fundraising57

Learning Objectives57

Legal Context58

Canada: A federal system59

Provincial Fundraising Legislation61




Prince Edward Island69


Proposed Uniform Fundraising Legislation72

Federal Legislation Related to Fundraising73

Competition Act 73

The Telecommunications Act and Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules76

Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act 77

Copyright Act 82

Charitable Gaming84

Privacy Laws & Fundraising85

Cross-Border Fundraising90

Anti-Terrorism Law & Fundraising93

Discussion Questions96

Application Activities96



C H A P T E R 3109

Giving Channels and Approaches109

Learning Objectives109

Traditional Giving Channels109

One-on-One Visits110

Door-to-Door Visits112

Direct Mail 113


The Migration to Online Giving.118

Web Eras and Multi-Channel Giving118

Donor Demographics and Giving Channel Preferences118

Online Giving Platforms: To buy or to build?120

Selecting an External Third-Party Provider 120

CanadaHelps and PayPal 122

Hosting an Internal Platform.123

Methods of Online Giving.125

Pre-Authorized Debit Programs125

Credit Cards129

Social Media Platforms130

Giving Kiosks130

Mobile Giving.131


QR Codes and Near Field Communication134

Discussion Questions136

Application Activities137

References Used in Writing this Chapter137



C H A P T E R 4145

Fundraising and Liability145

Learning Objectives145

Risk Management: A Christian perspective146

A Process for Risk Management147

Assessing Individual Activities149

Public Complaints151

Canada Revenue Agency and Fundraising151

Provincial Regulation151

Duties of Directors and Trustees153

Proper Books and Records154

Third-Party Fundraising.156

Why a Formal Policy?158

What to Consider in a Third-Party Fundraising Policy158

Other Issues to Consider 160

Special Considerations for "Professional" Fundraising Businesses161

Society for Abused Women Case162

The CRA's Position on Fundraising Contracts163

Public Transparency164

Provincial Legislation166

Oversight 167

Against Their Will: Liability issues in wills & estates168

Reasons for Giving169

Above Reproach: Avoiding Undue Influence and "Suspicious Circumstances"169

Some Practical Considerations173

Knowing the Will 173

Family Obligations174

Tax Shelters175

Gifting Trust Arrangements177

Leveraged Cash Donations177

Buy-Low, Donate High Arrangements177

Other Things to Consider 178

Restricted Gifts: When strings are attached.180

What's In a Name?182

Application Questions185

Application Activities186



C H A P T E R 5193

Fundraising Events193

Learning Objectives193

The Bigger Picture193

Preliminary Planning.194

Assessing Readiness194

Defining the Event's Fundraising Purpose195

Understanding Your Audience196

Selecting an Event Type198

Ethics and Event-Specific Issues198

Choosing Event Leaders200

Financial Preparation.200

Income Strategies200

Projected Income and Expenses201

Staff and Volunteer Investment 202


Scheduling for Maximum Effectiveness202

Timeline Checklist 203


Host (Steering) Committee207

Event Sub-Committees207

Sub-Committee Mandates208

Volunteer Management208

Volunteer Expectations209

Orientation and Training210

Volunteer Policies and Procedures210






Sponsorship Administration212

Affiliation Terminology213

Securing Corporate Sponsors214


Post-Event Activities215

Unique Receipting Issues215

Reporting to Donors215

Celebration and Thanks216

Debriefing and Evaluation216

Discussion Questions217

Application Activities218

References Used in Writing this Chapter219



C H A P T E R 6225

Stewardship and Online Communication.225

Learning Objectives225

Why Communicate Online?226

Online Communication as a Fundraising Tool 227

How Online Communication Creates Conversation and Affects Reputation227

Social Media and the New Face of Professionalism.229

Defining Your Brand, Voice, and Tone230

Reinforcing Your Brand Through Your Actions231

Reinforcing Your Brand Through Your Voice and Tone232

Content Creation.233

Starting with Why234

Following a Plot 236

Reviewing Your Work238

A Few Practical Tools for Publishing Your Content 239

Consistent Content Creation241

Content Curation242

Why Should Charities Curate?242

Creating a Content Curation Plan243

A Few Content Curation Tools244

Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn: Developing a following.246


Twitter 247


Tips for Developing a Social Media Following249

Integrating Your Online Channels251

Discussion Questions254

Application Activities254

References Used in Writing this Chapter255


2013 e Nonprofit Benchmarks Study258


C H A P T E R 7263

Charitable Gifts, Grants, and Services263

Learning Objectives263

Donor Advised Funds264

Differences Between The Donor Advised Fund and The Legal Trust 265

Advantages of a DAF267

Setting Up a DAF268

Best Practices For the Donor 270


Endowments During A Slumping Economy272

Setting Up an Endowment 273

Foundational Documents273

Government Policy on DAFs and Endowments274

A Critical Christian Perspective on Endowments275



Where to Look for Grants279

Getting to Know the Foundation and Its Key Players279

Writing the Proposal 280

Government Funding.282

Advantages of Government Funding283

Disadvantages of Government Funding283

Corporate Gifts284

Social Enterprise286

Social Enterprise and Christian Ministry287

Starting a Social Enterprise Business289

Crowd Funding.292

Interest-Free Loans293

Games of Chance293

Affinity Programs295

How to Set Up an Affinity Program.296

Discussion Questions297

Application Activities298

References Used in Writing this Chapter299



C H A P T E R 8305

Gifts-in-Kind and Planned Giving Donations305

Learning Objectives305

Planned Giving.307


Valuing Gifts-in-Kind308

Special Considerations for Specific Gifts-in-Kind314

Reward Points316

Gift of a Right or License317

Tax Treatment of Gifts-in-Kind318

Tax Treatment of Capital Property in General 319

Special Tax Provisions for Charitable Donations of Capital Property319

Gifts of Shares to Private Foundations322

Gifts of Business Inventory323

Gifts of Medicine from Inventory324

Gifts of Securities Received Through an Employee Stock Option Plan325

Gifts of Non-Qualifying Securities326

Flow Through Shares327

Gifts of Cultural Property329

Ecological Gifts329

Gifts of Residual Interest in Property329

Considerations for Charities331

Discussion Questions333

Application Activities334



C H A P T E R 9340

Measuring Fundraising Effectiveness340

Learning Objectives340

The Benefits of Fundraising Evaluation.342

Work Smarter 342

Professional Development 343

Organizational Health343

"Big Picture" Thinking343

Key Stakeholders for Accountability Reporting343

The Lord Jesus344

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) 344

Your Board346

Your Management 346

Your Donors346

The Public349

Developing an Evaluation Plan for the Overall Fundraising Program351

The Ministry Organization352

The Fundraisers354

Donor Base355

General Evaluation Techniques for all Fundraising Methods358

Theological and Ethical Factors358



Evaluating Specific Fundraising Methods360


Discussion Questions369

Application Exercises369

Application Activities373

Answers to Application Exercises374

References Used in Writing this Chapter378


A p p e n d i c e s383

Appendix A: FISA Summary - Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act385

Appendix B: Canadian Gaming and Liquor Licensing Authorities389

Appendix C: Key Elements To Consider When Creating a Third-Party Fundraising Policy393

Appendix D: Empathy Maps - A way to understand your donors and beneficiaries397

Appendix E: Comparison of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.401

Appendix F: Creating a Social Media Policy for Your Minsitry403

Appendix G: Donor-Advised Gifts411

Appendix H: Sample Endowment Agreement413

Appendix I: Sample Pledge Form..419

Appendix J: Sample Pledge Agreement421

Appendix K: Sample Affinity Application.423

Appendix L: Gift Acceptance and Valuation Policy429

Appendix M: Professional Development for Gift Planners439