BC Court of Appeal On TWU

bc court of appeal on twu


It has just been anIMG_2878nounced that the B.C. Court of Appeal will be releasing its decision on the TWU case on November 1 at 9:35am Pacific.  This marks the final court of appeal to release its decision.  You may find a write up on the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal decision at Nova Scotia’s Highest Court Rules in Favour of TWU and at Common Sense Prevails at the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal; And my commentary on the Ontario Court of Appeal decision is found here: Being On the Right Side of History: Where the Offended Take Away Religious Freedom

As a further note the Law Society of Upper Canada has decided not to oppose TWU’s appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.  We anticipate hearing soon of the Supreme Court’s decision to grant appeal in that case.

This continues to be a long legal road for TWU and religious communities across Canada who have been watching this development with great interest!

Be sure to watch your email on November 1 for my full commentary of the BC Court of Appeal Decision.

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Until next week stay tuned!




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